“What’s next?” - Then she joined the IWAI Incubator. See her AI idea.

Hey Reader,

You’re busy and this is an important (but long) email so here’s the TL;DR:

  1. A bestselling author that beat cancer joined the Innovating with AI Incubator. She shares why she did and what she launched to 140k fans at Demo Day
  2. Tomorrow is our third and final Demo Day (add to calendar) where 4 more students will show you the exact AI products and processes they built in the past 2 months
  3. We're also opening enrollment in the AI Incubator tomorrow. Join us live because I'll be sharing two bonuses exclusively for students who join on the first day of enrollment

If that sounds interesting, let’s get into it.

If you tuned in to last week's Demo Day, you saw Sonja Sulcer present the prototype of her new AI-powered app, Build Your Faith, which helps individuals and families cope with life-threatening illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

Sonja is a cancer survivor and a best-selling author on Amazon. She first found Innovating with AI through one of our small workshops last year and knew she started using our free AI toolkits to accelerate her mission.

She kept asking me, "What's next?"

And when the Incubator opened in January she was literally the first person to join.

"I got the idea to write these acrostic poems on my first day of chemo. So obviously I wrote some for my book, but it wasn't scalable. I really wanted to reach a lot more people and I wanted to reach them in real time.

So I learned about AI Assistants during the [Incubator] program and I was able to create one and integrate that with an API into my app. So now anyone can type in one of the words and it will give you an encouraging poem."

As you saw during Demo Day (replay here) Sonja already has a working app just two months after getting started. And, using the framework in Module 8 of the Incubator, she's launched a crowdfunding campaign to spread awareness, validate her business model, and recruit her first beta testers. (Learn more about Sonja's crowdfunding campaign here.)

I hung out with Sonja last week and asked her to tell me a bit more about her mindset when she first joined the Incubator. Here's what she shared:

"I was looking at various opportunities, and one of the things that sold me on the program was the personalization that you, Rob, brought. I was really impressed when I read some of your emails and then at the bottom it says, please reply because I will respond – and you did.

I was really impressed that you responded to the emails as well as you responded to Slack messages and continue to respond. That's one of the things that sold me.

And it meant to me that you really cared. You're not just selling a program, but you really cared about the student, their concerns, and the outcome."

Watch this full video where Sonja shares her Incubator experience.

We have a big week coming up and I want to encourage you to do exactly what Sonja did –

Reply to this email and ask me all your questions.

Or send me a text or WhatsApp at +1 (720) 900-1030, which goes right to my iPhone.

I'm here for you every step of the way and want to make sure you have everything you need to make the decision that's right for you when the Incubator opens – whether to join, which level to choose, and how to hit your full AI-powered potential as quickly as possible.

As always, just reply and I'll get right back to you.

See you tomorrow (add Demo Day to your calendar).

– Rob

PS. Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 16) is our third and final Demo Day. Watch 4 Incubator students show their brand new AI ideas to the world and get access to our Opening Day bonuses (we're unlocking the Incubator during this live event).

Add to calendar >

Innovating with AI

We help entrepreneurs and executives harness the power of AI.

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